
The program of the Department of 社会 Work seeks to develop professional social workers who have skills and knowledge which help them to understand social problems, 人类的麻烦和需求,导致在这些情况下干预的替代方法. 该课程旨在教育和培养一名专业的社会工作者, 符合社会工作专业的价值观和道德规范, 是否能够在人们与他人互动时为他们提供直接的服务. General education requirements and special degree requirements provide a broad liberal arts base which emphasizes the social and behavioral sciences and is a necessary foundation for the professional social work courses. 社会工作课程要求包括学术课堂和实地经验的结合. 在大四之前, students are expected to obtain liability insurance coverage and to plan for adequate transportation to field placement agencies.



  1. 学生必须被大学录取并完成30个小时的文科课程.
  2. 学生必须将SWO 201社会工作专业导论作为社会工作的初始课程.  本课程分秋季和春季两学期开设.  学生应在大二第二学期修习这门课程 一年.  Successful completion of the course with a grade of “C” or better is required as part of the admissions requirement to the 社会 Work Program.  学生在完成30学时后可以参加SWO 201.
  3. Students are allowed to take 12 hours prior to admission to the program: SWO 201 Introduction to the Profession of 社会 Work, SWO 300人类多样性, 社会工作技能, 和SWO 311社会福利政策,只要他们有2.25日平均绩点.
  4. 学生必须完成申请进入社会工作课程. 申请可以在社会工作部门领取.  学生必须提交两封推荐信以及完整的申请.  除了, 学生必须提交一份自传体陈述作为申请过程的一部分.  学生也应该在这个时候安排与他们的社会工作指导老师的面试.  这个过程在学生参加SWO 305社会工作技能课程时完成.
  5. Students must demonstrate personal responsibility and show commitment to the social work profession as demonstrated in the personal interview with the faculty advisor.
  6. Even though transfer credit will be given for social work courses taken at other CSWE accredited social work programs, 学生必须完成社会工作方法课程, 资深实习经验, 以及KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的综合研讨会,以获得BSW学位.  Students transferring credit for social work courses from another social work program must present a letter of reference from the social work faculty, 作为他/她的推荐信之一.  除了, 如果转学的课程不符合我们的志愿者经验要求, 学生在获得学分之前必须完成规定的学时数.
  7. 社会工作教员将在12月和5月的第一个星期一开会, 以及秋季报名前的周五, 审核本课程入学申请.  Students can receive one of three statuses as follows:  1) Admitted    2) Admitted on Probation   3) Not admitted.
  8. 学生必须有2分.25日平均绩点才能被完全录取.  没有2分的学生.平均绩点25,但至少得2分.平均绩点为00的学生可以以试用状态被录取.  留校察看只能维持一个学期(一学期计秋季), 春天, 或者夏季学期.2分以下的学生.平均成绩不被录取.
  9. Students are given a question to answer in class in SWO 201 to determine if any student has a writing deficiency/concern.  The purpose is to identify any writing concerns early in students’ social work entry classes and remediate as soon as possible.  教师 notifies identified student in writing of the writing concern and student is referred to the writing lab and/or academic support lab.  学生可能被置于书面关注留校察看.  学生将收到系主任KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载该问题的一封信.  有书面关注缓刑清除, student’s work must progress to satisfactory and an example of writing reviewed by faculty admissions committee.  如果继续没有进展, 将遵循咨询程序中的步骤退出该计划.
  10. 在进入社会工作项目后,为了向B级迈进.S.W. 学位, 学生必须保持至少2分.总平均成绩25分,专业课成绩不低于C.  其他社会工作课程也可以上,除非该课程的“D”或“F”是未来课程的先决条件. 入学实地指导的其他要求见 战地手册.
  11. 社会工作部门不考虑生活或以前的工作经验.



Volunteering allows students to practice what they learn in the classroom in a safe learning environment with community partners who agree to supervise the student in a volunteer experience. Students accomplish many of the Program Learning Objectives (PLOs) and Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) listed in the course syllabus through the volunteering experience. 志愿服务对机构和学生都有很多好处. 为了学生和机构的利益,志愿者是没有报酬的. Students may volunteer at their workplace only with the instructor’s approval if the volunteering hours are in addition to their paid hours and if their activities and services are unpaid. 在他们大三和大四的时候, BSW students are encouraged to find various types of volunteer placements so they can gain well-rounded experiences that demonstrate to prospective employers and graduation schools that they can work with diverse systems of all sizes. 学生选择一个符合课程需要的人力服务机构, 确保一名主管, 在教学大纲中规定的时间内做志愿者. 《KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载》或《KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载》构成学生之间的合同, 该机构, 以及DSU BSW项目. 因此, 学生应该遵守他们的协议, 诚实可靠, 遵守NASW职业道德准则(2017)和本手册的政策, and complete the experience according to the terms outlined in the course syllabus and the terms agreed upon with 该机构 supervisor. Each student will be evaluated by 该机构 staff member/supervisor who has worked with the student using the forms required by DSU BSW 教师 and provided in the course syllabus and in this Handbook (see Appendix). Students and their agency supervisors must fully complete and sign the required paperwork/forms in order to earn course credit as indicated in the course syllabus.


  • SWO 101社区义工
  • SWO 102社区志愿服务2
  • SWO 201社会工作导论
  • SWO 301儿童福利和倡导
  • SWO 309:社会老龄化
  • swo320社会工作方法
  • SWO 421社会工作方法II
  • SWO 475现场指导和SWO 481综合研讨会




符合大学的使命, the Bachelor of 社会 Work program at Delta State University seeks to prepare students with professional knowledge, 值, and skills for generalist social work practice by creating an environment that offers value oriented learning that emphasizes self 评估ment, 社区服务, 自我的决心, 社会公正和尊重多样性.



  1. 确定自己是一名专业的社会工作者,并据此行事.
  2. 运用社会工作伦理原则指导专业实践.
  3. 运用批判性思维来传达专业判断.
  4. 在实践中运用多样性和差异性.
  5. 促进人权和社会经济正义.
  6. 从事研究导向的实践和实践导向的研究.
  7. 运用人类行为和社会环境的知识.
  8. 参与 in policy practice to advance social and 经济 well-being and to deliver effective social work services.
  9. 对塑造实践的环境做出反应.
  10. 参与, 评估, 干预, 和个人一起评估, 家庭, 组, 组织, 和社区.


以文科和人与环境的建构为基础, BSW graduates are prepared to continue their formal education in social work or engage in entry-level social work practice.  因此,我们的目标是,通过完成课程,学生将准备:

  1. To prepare practitioners who engage in evidence-based beginning level generalist practice  with systems of all sizes and diverse populations
  2. 培养理解和重视人类多样性的从业者;
  3. To prepare practitioners who understand and appreciate the role and value of systematic data collection and analysis in systems of all sizes for the purpose of promoting the goals of the profession of social work;
  4. To encourage the development of a strong professional identity and a commitment to the 值 and ethics of the social work profession in future practitioners;
  5. To prepare students to understand the dynamics and consequences of social and 经济 injustice and the importance of alleviating injustice and oppression


社会, 经济, and environmental justice is important to the DSU BSW Program and is part of the NASW Code of Ethics which we adhere to and the CSWE Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards competencies which we demonstrate. 我们在整个课程中都教授它, 包括在我们的作业中, 志愿者活动, 和模拟, 并以善良为榜样, 尊重, 宣传, 各种各样的活动. 我们所有的教学, 研究, 服务活动力求促进和倡导人人享有正义, 尤其是穷人, 弱势群体和受压迫者在各级社会工作实践中. 每当不公正发生时,我们试着去倾听和学习,然后做出适当的反应.